Writer Resources: books, tools, and things that help me with my daily writing productivity
In this post I share productivity resources that help me with my daily writing and editing work.
For Writers and Editors
by a Writer and Editor
Writer Resources: books, tools, and things that help me with my daily writing productivity
7 Questions to Ask Potential Clients Before Sending Them a Proposal (tips for freelance editors)
Achieving Work-Life Balance over the Holidays
Website Tips for Freelance Editors
What It's Like to Write a Memoir (part 3)
What It's Like to Write a Memoir (part 2)
What It's Like to Write a Memoir (part 1)
How I Wrote my Family’s Historical Memoir (Author Edward Kuehn interviewed by Linda Ruggeri)
6 Tips to Translate Your Work Effectively
Self-Editing 101: Spotting Overused Words
Should You Write A Historical Memoir?
8 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer Before Hiring An Editor